Students » K-5 Computer Assistance

K-5 Computer Assistance

Your student recently brought his/her computer home. There are a few things you can do if you are having tech issues. 

Because we didn’t know we weren’t coming back, the computers haven’t been turned off for a long time.

These steps will help solve a lot of problems:

  1. Please hold the power button down until the computer light by the power button goes completely off. 
  2. Turn the computer back on.
  3. Log into their accounts with their username and passwords which are on the labels on the lid of the computer. 

If you can get logged on but can’t access their Launchpads, then open a browser window and type in   Click on the green button, then type in your name and click on the blue button.

This will put you in touch with live tech support between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.